
Sian Vuosi alkaa kiinalaisessa horoskoopissa 18.2.2007

The Year of The Pig 2007
by Dr. Maoshing Ni, L. Ac.

The Year of the Pig is symbolized by the elements of fire and water. These two energies are typically in conflict, thus making 2007 a year of continuing conflict, tension and strife. I expect there may be further global unrest, including revolts and regional wars. Despite the destructive tendencies, the water element does give rise to new beginnings and engenders movement, so there will be more opportunity for change and travel.

On the personal health front, watch out for fire related illnesses such as anxiety, depression, panic disorders, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, eye problems, and sleep disorders. Watch out also for water related illnesses like kidney and bladder disease. It is important to be extra cautious when traveling as accidents are prone to occur.

I recommend hawthorn berries and apples for a healthy heart, celery juice and olive oil to maintain a normal blood pressure. Regular tai chi practice and meditation will help you remain calm and relaxed. The exercise tones up your cardiovascular system and the herbs strengthen your immune and kidney systems. If you do not know Tai Chi, next year is an excellent time to learn.

The illusive fire energy can cause overly optimistic expectations within the world financial markets, driving up stocks in the first half of the year leading to declines in the second half due to the instability of fire. Industries expected to do well in the Year of the Pig are commercial real estate, mining, healthcare, high tech and banking.

Even with global conflicts occupying our minds and weighing heavily on our hearts, 2007 has the potential to lay the seeds for a long and lasting peace.

LÄHDE: www.acupuncture.com


Anonymous said...

ETSI Onnea tuova elementtisi täältä:

*syötä avautuvaan laskuriin syntymäpäivä, -kuukausi, -vuosi sekä -kellonaika. Muista määritellä myös aikavyöhyke - Suomessa se on + 2 eli Eastern European Time. Sitten klikkaa SUBMIT/LÄHETÄ.

*saat kaavion, jossa selitetään syntymäajakohtaasi liittyvät elementit ja kiinalaisen eläinradan eläimet sekä kerrotaan, mikä näistä on vallitsevin syntymäajankohtanasi.

* siirry sivun alalaitaan, jossa teksti "Find your lucky times and places" -> klikkaa tästä, pääset valitsemaan Onnenen Elementtisi mukaiset laadut. Ne kertovat mm. mitkä ovat Onnen Kumppanit, Onnen Vuodet, Onnen Kuukaudet, Onnen Vuodenaika, Onnen Ilmansuunta, Onnen Väri yms.


Naturaid said...


Mulla pääelementtinä on PUU ja seuraavat asiat tuovat onnea elämääni:

When the Wood is your lucky element

* Rabbit and Tiger are your lucky animals.
* Years of Rabbit and Tiger are your lucky years.
* Months of Rabbit and Tiger are your lucky Months.
* Spring is your lucky season.
* 3:00 - 7:00 (3 A.M. to 7 A.M.) are your lucky hours.
* Eastern direction is your lucky place.
* It will bring you luck to live a house that faces the east.
* You should choose a bedroom in the east side of the house.
* It's good for you to keep the east side window(s) open.
* When arranging the office desk, you should sit facing the east
* A wooden bed is good for you.
* Your lucky color is green.
* Sour foods and vegetables are good for you.
* Take care of your Nervous system, Liver and Gall bladder.

Anonymous said...


Netistä astrologi Raimo Nikulan mainio esitys kiinalaisesta horoskoopista löytyy täältä:


Nikula selittää 5 elementtiä astrologisessa valossa ja kertoo Buddhan luokseen pyytämien eläimien tarinan. Siis niiden, jotka Buddhan luokse saapuivat.....